
Skype for mac powerbook g4
Skype for mac powerbook g4skype for mac powerbook g4

One way to find out is to actually do some research on an auction site like eBay: search completed auctions to see winning bid prices for similar hardware, then read through the descriptions to see if they included lots of expensive software or not. That’s the thing of it too: I don’t think that you’re going to be able to sell your Powerbook for much more because of the software included on the unit versus what you’d see if you just scrubbed it clean and sold it “as is” but had unauthorized and deleted the licensed software applications. And that would really stink if you got an additional $20 for including the software just to find you need to drop another $700 to replace it!

#Skype for mac powerbook g4 install#

Does that make sense? Heck, with some software, it’s savvy enough that you won’t even be able to install the second copy of the software if the first hasn’t been deauthorized or unlicensed. I have to start by pointing out that what you’re proposing isn’t uncommon but is actually illegal: if you have a single user license for Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite 2, etc., then you either sell the license to the software with the computer, or you need to delete the software from the computer so that you have the license available for your new system.

Skype for mac powerbook g4